
Try again on the horse ...

I'm sure everyone has seen pictures of Al, has published some of my Zeke. If I do not have a child, I thought the best was a dog. The bonus is that you can to train dogs body ... Try a three-year-old and go to jail. See, everything is solved in the best anyway.

After a difficult start, the dog was my little pride and joy. I think I was bored to death with all the pictures on my Treo. So I downloaded and ready to be published. I can bore more people this way. LOL! An incredible amount of gratitude for Gracie in the direction of the books Superpuppy. I have to do much work, but without the formation of a dominant position and some other little tips that I think I would pull my hair now complete. I can never thank them enough ... but I'm sure my cat is the curse of us now. It is not too thrilled about the addition of the family. The book is a version of the cat MEPH available to show how you teach the dog to leave him alone?

Zeke is not a big fan of poker. How can I know? The amount of time I am prevented from the game at the same time he got in trouble, because he is not 100% of my attention that I have to give that impression. Live games or online. While playing HORSE on Sunday, I missed at least 10 minutes to go because I had to. Then it was pee , saw his friend neighborhood. Of course, I could not, without the grass with its launch into force. And it's really hard to explain that I can not allow my dog to have fun, because then I made before each hand, and I do not want to lose much of my chip stack. (Maybe you just need the new neighbors, but ...) Fortunately, he was one of the first level and I was not hurt so bad. After much time and good luck, I had the opportunity to relax H:) This is the first blogger to win the tournament. Of course, with only 17 people (one of them was a gift), I had a much better chance.

Most weekends are spent with Zeke, most recently at the beach. She loves the sand, she hates the car. Not only that he loves , but vomiting. A lot. They gave me advice on how to treat his illness, but too little. Bonine. Evil pills disadvantages vomiting /. It helps give chewing a pig's ear to distract until your body adjusts to the race. It is much better, but with short walks. Previously he was no more than a few blocks before taking a flat ceiling in the back seat. Now, what led to the dog park, the pet store and McDonald's on a regular basis.

The dog loves the food of the golden arches. can see my mother dog, no matter where you go, and you're crazy. Zeke is not, but he knows that doubling the plain paper bags, waiting for his burger. I've learned that you do not eat ice cream, but. or dog biscuits. Or die a lot more dogs. He may treat chicken powder (the best dog ever!) And save me a random selection of parts to chew cured of cattle.
And I mean random. Who would have thought that you have received whole cow's hooves and nose in the pet store? He loves pig ears and tails of cows, so ... not the kind of candy ... but I hesitated to the ears of sheep and some other things that I could not identify. I guess I feel bad for the sheep fluffly little. A bit silly, and my favorites are served with horseradish sauce rare. I think I have problems.

Now, almost 10 hours and the dog and I go to bed now. It was his pillow, I have mine. spoiled child. He deserves it. Zeke the wonder dog is certainly a plus in my life. You do not always get a lot of other things I wanted to do, but your company a lot. The rest will fall into place. He has always ...

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